By: Colorado College Public Awareness Fellow Mary Rose Donahue
The recently released Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) proposes massive cuts to Medicaid and Home and Community Based Services. These cuts adversely affect individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In coming blog posts, The Arc Pikes Peak Region will highlight just what services are in danger through the voices of our community. Countless services are at risk of being cut and underfunded. Self-advocates and members of The Arc Pikes Peak Region will share their stories about how crucial Medicaid is.
Run Chhoeup, a self-advocate with The Arc Pikes Peak Region, faces cuts to his medical and dental insurance. These are services that are currently funded by Medicaid. These government services are in place to allow Run to afford all of his medical bills. Should the government undergo the massive proposed cuts, Run, along with other individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at risk. These risks include skyrocketing premiums, poor deductibles, pre-existing conditions denying coverage, and astronomical medical bills.
To hear more from Run himself, click the video below to listen to what he has to say about the proposed cuts to Medicaid under the BCRA bill, and stay tuned for more updates from different members of The Arc Pikes Peak Region.
Saving Medicaid with The Arc Pikes Peak Region
Although the Senate delayed its vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act until after the July 4th recess, NOW is the time speak up and tell our Senators, “No Cuts, No Caps” to Medicaid! So please, stop by our office tomorrow, Friday, July 7, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., for a Stand Up for Health Care Happy Hour! You’ll have the opportunity to sign post cards to send to Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennett, telling them #HandsOff Medicaid. We’ll provide beer, wine and yummy appetizers. Bring yourself and a friend! Your voice makes a difference!
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